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Ways in Refining Exterior Wood Doors


Wood has always been a staple material in every home. It is widely being used on walls, floorings, window frames, and most especially on the doors of every house. Despite their wide range of use, wood doors also possess their own downsides that gradually appear over time. Although this is unavoidable, there are still various ways on how you can refurbish old and worn exterior wood doors. Check out what these are down below:

Uninstall Hardware
Before we begin the refining and refurbishing process, it is important to remove some installed features on the door. This may include the locks and door knobs installed on it. Doing so shows the covered areas of the door leaving zero untouchable and unrefurbishable areas allowing a much easier and faster refining process.

Sand the Flats of the Door
The second method following the uninstallation of hardware is sanding the flat areas of the door. This is important in softening out the surface of the door to ensure that the new varnish or paint to be used later on will be able to stick to it properly. And also to avoid double and/or repeated application of the same products.

Scrape off the Moldings
There would be times wherein sanding off won’t be enough to remove the moldings present on the surface. Whenever such instances arise, you would have to manually scrape them off the door. However, you must be careful in doing so to avoid posing scratches and uneven surfaces on your wooden door.

Seal and rehang the Door
Once the preparatory processes have been accomplished, it is now time to rehang the door to its original position. This makes it more practical to apply the finish without damaging it in the process. It lessens the contact and makes it a lot easier to dry once the coats and finishes have been applied.

Choose the finish you prefer and apply
It is now time for the most satisfying and awaited part of refining exterior wooden doors. With a variety of finishes to choose from, you must carefully pick the one that suits the type of wood and matches the overall look of the home. This way, you get to ensure that the refining process does not go down the drain and still goes in line with the look and feel of the structure.

After carefully picking the finish, you can now apply it. During this part, evenly applying the finish in the door surfaces is important to give it that refined look.

Apply the final coat and re-attach the hardware
Usually, doors would require more than one coating of the chosen finish. Since the texture of most of these applicators is quite thin, it would have to be re-applied a few times to reveal the beauty and vibrance it could bring. After doing so, allow it to dry for some time for a longer-lasting finish. Then you may now choose to reinstall the old hardware or buy a new one that matches the newly refined exterior wooden door.
